A Study on Second Language Speaking Students Anxiety among Undergraduate Students of the University of Balochistan
institution, Balochistan, UniversityAbstract
A study was carried out to decide the view of the undergraduates of University of Balochistan Quetta towards the sentiment anxiety they encountered when speaking in the second language. In particular, the destinations of the study were to examine students' anxiety level towards communicating in English as a second language and to distinguish the sorts of talking exercises that brought on high anxiety level among the students. Communication trepidation, anxiety of negative assessment and general feeling tension were among the variables contemplated in the investigation. The instrument utilized for the study was Horwitz‟s (1983) Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). The questionnaire comprises of 18 items, each one on a 5-point Likert scale extending from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree ". The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 Windows and were presented in form of descriptive statistics which include percentages and mean. Results from the study show that students experienced moderate level of anxiety.
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