ایرانیءُ سلاویانانی زبانانی سرا چمشانک ۔ بلوچی ءُ روسی زوانءِ ہواریں لوزانی پژدر ءَ
A Review on Iranian and Slavinian Languages
Balochi, Russian, borrowing, areal contact, semantic adaptation, lexicon, noun, pronoun, adjective, Iranian languagesAbstract
Language contact took place when multilingual societies formed and languages with many bilingual speakers mutually borrow morphological and syntactic features, making their typology more similar. Resemblances between two or more languages can be due to genetic relation or simply due to areal contact. When direct documentation of ancestor languages is not available, then it will be difficult to determine whether a similarity is genetic or areal.
Balochi and Russian languages both are members of Indo – European languages and majority of lexical similarities are due to genetic relation.
Макс Фасмер. Этимологический словарь русского языка, АН СССР О. Н. Трубачева. Под редакцией и с предисловием проф. Б. А. Ларина. В четырех томах. М.: «Прогресс», 1986. Тома I–IV.
ہاشمی،سیدطہورشاہ2000،سیدگنج سیدہاشمی اکیڈمی کراچی
گل حسن،ڈاکٹر2015،روسی۔بلوچی گپ تران،بلوچی اکیڈمی کوئٹہ